5 reasons to use a copywriter for your website – even if you are a good writer!

5 reasons to use a copywriter for your website – even if you are a good writer!

When web developers are building a website, their biggest complaint is often that the project gets held up right at the start! 

Right at the start? How could that be? I hear you ask.  

More frequently than not, there is a very long delay from when a developer asks their client for content (words) for their website to when they receive it. It is the single biggest factor in website delays – ask any developer.

Why is it that this seems to be so common? 

Most frequently it is because people think it is something they can easily do. After all, they have studied English and are quite good at writing so why not do it themselves? 

It is only once they start to write, that many people come to a screeching halt, finding it isn’t as easy as they thought. Others do actually go onto create some content, but what has been created is often fact-based and in a language which makes sense to them, but does not come from their readers’ perspective, which is where all good copywriters start.  

Here are 5 reasons why I believe a copywriter is best positioned to help you with your website content.  

1. To maximise return on your investment

If you are going to spend a great deal of money creating one of your biggest online marketing assets, wouldn’t you want to get the best return on your investment?  

You can create the funkiest and most aesthetically pleasing website for one of the best products ever BUT if that website does not communicate effectively what your products/services do or why people should buy them, your website is going to be a big flop.  

As pleasing as the aesthetic and functionality of a website may be, if the content is weak the chances are it will not be picked up (indexed) by Google and very few people will ever find it.  

What’s more, if they do manage to find it and the content sucks, then they will leave the page never to be seen again.

2. To attract and engage your target audience

Good copywriters know how to take your information and turn it into something that people want to read.  

They know how to say things in a way that relates to and empathises with the audience. They are skilled at crafting a story in such a way that makes the audience want to use/consume your offerings; after all, that’s the whole point of your website – to attract and retain potential and repeat customers.   

For example, insurance companies may ‘sell’ insurance, but that’s not what makes people buy it. Insurance is ‘sold’ on feelings and emotions - on peace of mind and security and by tapping into this, a copywriter evokes a ‘need’ or desire for your offerings.   

The real skill in writing persuasive copy is to articulate the issues you solve for people, whilst taking readers on a journey of discovery. It's not what you say, it’s the way that you say it that counts.

3. Maximise your online visibility (SEO)

Getting your website to show up on search engines (SEO) is critical. Whilst great content is only part of the online puzzle, copywriters play an important role in the SEO. Copywriters stay up to date with the latest changes in Google and will be able to apply the latest thinking to your website.  

Copywriters know how to craft a story and bring in keywords (words that people may type into search engines to find the products and services that you sell) to optimise your online visibility.

They are skilled in selecting the words that should be used in headlines and headings to maximise customer engagement whilst enhancing your SEO and know how to structure words so all the SEO opportunities on a page are covered.   


4. Articulate your unique selling points 

Many small businesses are great at what they do and do it really well, but they don’t necessarily know how to articulate why they are so successful at it. Copywriters are skilled at asking questions that help elicit the real essence of your business and why you are successful at what you do. 

Getting a fresh pair of eyes from outside your industry can bring some refreshing clarity in capturing real the value in what you offer. If you have been in an industry for some time you tend to ‘think’ like the industry thinks and use language that is industry specific. Too much jargon can just confuse readers and cause them to disengage.  

When you work in your business day in day out, you can be too close to your material to be objective. An ‘outsiders’ view is distant from the industry view and they can be free to rise above the jargon and the industry norms and hone in on the real value in the products or services that you provide.

5. To free up your time

Let's face it we are all busy these days, and to be honest, when are you going to get the time it takes to write all that content for your website? If the content writing goes on your ‘To Do’ list will it get demoted to the bottom of the list as the day to day demands of the business take over? 

Writing content for a website is not an easy task and given all the skills a copywriter can provide; can you really do the job justice? or is it best to just hand over the responsibility for this job to the professionals?

A good copywriter has all of the skills and expertise to clearly and persuasively engage, educate and communicate with your target audience whilst giving your content great visibility for search engines.

If you're not entirely convinced, an alternative is to write the content yourself (make sure you set a deadline), and then have a copywriter review and tweak it.  For example, you may need them to make sure you have not made one of these common mistakes that people make when writing their copy.

Either way, if you see the deadline for your content looming and you can't seem to get started, it can help to know you have a plan B. Give us a call.

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